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BSC440N10NS3 G

BSC440N10NS3 G

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    BSC440N10NS3 G

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BSC440N10NS3 G 数据手册
BSC440N10NS3 G $(*'#$%TM3 Power-Transistor Product Summary Features : % 07*- 5 '!2% # (!0'% &- 0()'( &0% /3% ,# 7!..*)# !2)- ,1 :  .2)+ )8% $ &- 0$ # $ # # - ,4% 01)- , VDS 100 V RDS(on),max 44 m# ID 18 A :  # (!,,% * ,- 0+ !**% 4% * PG-TDSON-8 :  6# % **% ,2 '!2% # (!0'% 6R DS(on) product (FOM) : % 07*- 5 - , 0% 1)12!,# % R DS(on) :  9 - .% 0!2),' 2% + .% 0!230% :  " &0% % *% !$ .*!2),'  -   # - + .*)!,2 :  3!*)&)% $ !# # - 0$ ),' 2-      1) for target application :  !*- '% , &0% % !# # - 0$ ),' 2-     Type Package Marking BSC440N10NS3 G PG-TDSON-8 440N10NS Maximum ratings, at T j=25 °C, unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Conditions Continuous drain current ID Value T C=25 °C 18 T C=100 °C 11 T A=25 °C, R thJA=50 K/W 2) 5.3 Unit A Pulsed drain current3) I D,pulse T C=25 °C 72 Avalanche energy, single pulse E AS I D=12 A, R GS=25 # 18 mJ Gate source voltage V GS ±20 V Power dissipation P tot 29 W Operating and storage temperature T j, T stg -55 ... 150 °C T C=25 °C IEC climatic category; DIN IEC 68-1 Rev. 2.4 55/150/56 page 1 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G Parameter Values Symbol Conditions Unit min. typ. max. - - 4.3 - - 50 100 - - Thermal characteristics Thermal resistance, junction - case R thJC Thermal resistance, junction - ambient R thJA 6 cm2 cooling area2) K/W Electrical characteristics, at T j=25 °C, unless otherwise specified Static characteristics Drain-source breakdown voltage V (BR)DSS V GS=0 V, I D=1 mA Gate threshold voltage V GS(th) V DS=V GS, I D=12 µA 2 2.7 3.5 Zero gate voltage drain current I DSS V DS=100 V, V GS=0 V, T j=25 °C - 0.01 1 V DS=100 V, V GS=0 V, T j=125 °C - 10 100 V µA Gate-source leakage current I GSS V GS=20 V, V DS=0 V - 1 100 nA Drain-source on-state resistance R DS(on) V GS=10 V, I D=12 A - 38 44 m# V GS=6 V, I D=6 A - 48.3 86 - 0.8 - # 8 15 - S Gate resistance RG Transconductance g fs 1) |V DS|>2|I D|R DS(on)max, I D=12 A J-STD20 and JESD22 2) Device on 40 mm x 40 mm x 1.5 mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6 cm 2 (one layer, 70 µm thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical in still air. 3) see figure 3 Rev. 2.4 page 2 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G Parameter Values Symbol Conditions Unit min. typ. max. - 610 810 - 120 160 Dynamic characteristics Input capacitance C iss Output capacitance C oss Reverse transfer capacitance C rss - 6 - Turn-on delay time t d(on) - 9 - Rise time tr - 3 - Turn-off delay time t d(off) - 13 - Fall time tf - 3 - Gate to source charge Q gs - 2.7 - Gate to drain charge Q gd - 1.3 - Switching charge Q sw - 2.2 - Gate charge total Qg - 8.1 10.8 Gate plateau voltage V plateau - 4.5 - Output charge Q oss - 12 16 nC - - 18 A - - 72 - 0.9 1.2 V - 44 - ns - 61 - nC V GS=0 V, V DS=50 V, f =1 MHz V DD=50 V, V GS=10 V, I D=6 A, R G=1.6 # pF ns Gate Charge Characteristics4) V DD=50 V, I D=6 A, V GS=0 to 10 V V DD=50 V, V GS=0 V nC V Reverse Diode Diode continous forward current IS Diode pulse current I S,pulse Diode forward voltage V SD Reverse recovery time t rr Reverse recovery charge Q rr 4) T C=25 °C V GS=0 V, I F=18 A, T j=25 °C V R=50 V, I F=6 A, di F/dt =100 A/µs See figure 16 for gate charge parameter definition Rev. 2.4 page 3 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G 2 Drain current P tot=f(T C) I D=f(T C); V GS; 40 20 30 15 ID [A] Ptot [W] 1 Power dissipation 20 10 10 5 0 0 0 40 80 120 160 0 40 80 TC [°C] 120 160 TC [°C] 3 Safe operating area 4 Max. transient thermal impedance I D=f(V DS); T C=25 °C; D =0 Z thJC=f(t p) parameter: t p parameter: D =t p/T 103 101 102 100 ns 0.5 ZthJC [K/W] 1 µs ID [A] 10 µs 101 100 µs 0.2 100 0.1 1 ms 0.05 DC 0.02 100 0.01 single pulse 10-1 10-1 10-1 100 101 102 103 VDS [V] Rev. 2.4 tp [s] page 4 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G 5 Typ. output characteristics 6 Typ. drain-source on resistance I D=f(V DS); T j=25 °C R DS(on)=f(I D); T j=25 °C parameter: V GS parameter: V GS 50 70 5V 60 40 5.5 V 6V 10 V 50 30 RDS(on) [m ] 7V ID [A] 6V 20 5.5 V 7V 40 10 V 30 20 5V 10 10 4.5 V 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 10 20 VDS [V] 30 40 50 60 20 25 30 ID [A] 7 Typ. transfer characteristics 8 Typ. forward transconductance I D=f(V GS); |V DS|>2|I D|R DS(on)max g fs=f(I D); T j=25 °C parameter: T j 40 30 25 30 gfs [S] ID [A] 20 20 15 10 10 5 150 °C 25 °C 0 0 0 2 4 6 VGS [V] Rev. 2.4 0 5 10 15 ID [A] page 5 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G 9 Drain-source on-state resistance 10 Typ. gate threshold voltage R DS(on)=f(T j); I D=12 A; V GS=10 V V GS(th)=f(T j); V GS=V DS parameter: I D 90 4 80 3.5 70 3 120 µA 2.5 98 % 50 VGS(th) [V] RDS(on) [m ] 60 typ 40 12 µA 2 1.5 30 1 20 0.5 10 0 0 -60 -20 20 60 100 140 180 -60 -20 20 Tj [°C] 60 100 140 180 Tj [°C] 11 Typ. capacitances 12 Forward characteristics of reverse diode C =f(V DS); V GS=0 V; f =1 MHz I F=f(V SD) parameter: T j 104 1000 103 Ciss 100 IF [A] C [pF] Coss 102 25 °C 150 °C 10 101 150 °C, 98% Crss 25 °C, 98% 100 1 0 20 40 60 80 VDS [V] Rev. 2.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 VSD [V] page 6 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G 13 Avalanche characteristics 14 Typ. gate charge I AS=f(t AV); R GS=25 # V GS=f(Q gate); I D=6 A pulsed parameter: T j(start) parameter: V DD 10 80 V 8 50 V VGS [V] 6 20 V 4 2 0 0 2 4 Qgate [nC] 15 Drain-source breakdown voltage 16 Gate charge waveforms V BR(DSS)=f(T j); I D=1 mA 110 VBR(DSS) [V] 105 100 95 90 -60 -20 20 60 Tj [°C] 100 140 180 6 8 BSC440N10NS3 G Package Outline: PG-TDSON-8 Rev. 2.4 page 8 2009-10-30 BSC440N10NS3 G Dimensions in mm Rev. 2.4 page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ev. 2.4 page 10 2009-10-30
BSC440N10NS3 G 价格&库存

很抱歉,暂时无法提供与“BSC440N10NS3 G”相匹配的价格&库存,您可以联系我们找货

BSC440N10NS3 G
    •  国内价格
    • 1+9.33120
    • 10+7.79760
    • 30+6.95520
    • 100+5.99400
    • 500+4.73040
    • 1000+4.53600
